
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine's Fun

written by: Laura

Valentine's day is fast approaching, and I wanted to make a little gifts to send to Little Man's class for his friends.

I usually put WAY to much thought and effort into things like this and end up spending all of my allotted time for said project on Pinterest and come away feeling paralyzed by the amount of different options and inadequate in my crafting, mothering, and general Proverbs 31ing.

I love Pinterest and the amount of creative ideas out there, but I do feel like it leads to the comparison game and perpetuation of the idea that if you don't handcraft every element of your child's birthday party from scratch, then you don't really love them, and they will end up in many hours of counseling someday trying to undo the damage. Maybe I am the only one that feels this way, but I feel like I have fallen into this trap before and been so busy getting things ready for Little Man's party that I don't actually get to enjoy him. Which is the point, right? 

But that is another post for another day. 

All that to say, I purposely did not scour the Interwebs for the perfect cutesy Valentine's gift that would take me hours to put together. Partially because they are going to 4 year olds, and also because my time is limited.

I actually just went to the store that shall not be named (Walmart) in search of something simple and fun. 

I stumbled upon an amazing deal-- watercolor sets for 10 cents! I grabbed all of them and was done with it. The gift bags actually cost me more than the gift. I almost didn't buy them, but I am going to be out of town for a few days and knew I wouldn't have any more time to shop for them. 

I was thankful that I didn't actually have a plan because I was able to capitalize on a great spur of the moment deal. 

It was something that I knew the kids would love and that Little Man could actually have a hand in helping with for his friends.

So, I am not saying that you should copy this exact idea, because depending on the amount that you need, it may not be cost effective if the paint sets aren't on sale. 

I just want to encourage you to feel the freedom from "Pinterest pressure". 

And I would love to hear your ideas for fun Valentine's gifts too. 

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