
Friday, January 18, 2013

A Day in My Life

A Day in Laura’s Life (Tuesday)

6:45 Wake up, get little man fed, dressed and ready for school. Get myself into yoga pants for that "I've just come from (OR I am headed to) the gym look". I am really not, just like being comfy. 

7:15 Leave house to drive little man to school (while consuming large amounts of coffee in my favorite to-go mug that I bought at Starbucks in Moscow)

7:30 Drop little man at school, head back home to pic up Hubby

8:45 Hubby and I head to “our” new house (under contract, but haven’t closed yet) to meet his Dad who is doing our inspection. Also, Kelly met us there to help me think through fun things like paint colors and DIY projects. This pic is my sweet vintage, retro, antique (aka old) oven, but I actually kinda like it!

10:30 Pick up little man from school, come back to house so he can see it (for the first time).

11:00 Take little man home for lunch and nap.

11:30-12 Get a little time to myself, reading the Word and eating chocolate chips! In the middle of a Bible reading plan that has you read a section from the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament- Gospels and Paul’s letters.

12-1 Get some house stuff done- laundry, grocery list making, and clipping coupons

1:30-2:30 Little man wakes up and we play a little, he gets to watch a show (Mr. Rogers is the favorite recently)

3:15-4:30 Grocery shopping, including a little stop by the ice cream case. This is literally the best ice cream ever! I didn’t buy any today, but it’s seriously my all time favorite. Run, don’t walk to the store and get some!

4:45 Pick up Hubby from work at his office. This was the sky on the way there.

5:30-6 Cooking and eating dinner- We had baked chicken, Annie’s mac and cheese, and watermelon. (Sorry, didn’t get a pic, but it was yummy!)

6:30-7 Getting little man ready for bed, reading books, singing songs, answering a million questions, bedtime!

7:30-10:30 Hubby had a meeting about church business; I snuggled in with a redbox movie and some favorite valentine’s candy.

10:30-11:30 Hubby home, we hung out and then were both probably asleep before our heads hit the pillow (we usually try to get in bed earlier, but this night was different because he had his meeting). This pic was from earlier in the day, but is an accurate depiction of how I often feel at the end of the day.


  1. Laura, as I am sitting in Russia right now, I love reading this post because well, I am from South Carolina too, but you know that I married a Kentucky man and the best thing that has ever come from Kentucky has got to be Grater's Ice Cream. That stuff should be in heaven. I love that ice cream it is the absolute best. I can't believe they are selling it in the stores in SC. So cool.. enjoy some for me! ;)

  2. Ashley, that's so fun! I will definitely eat some for you! What's your favorite flavor? ;)
